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Tbilisi 380108
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The scientific session Arn. Ckikobava’s Readings XXIV will be held at Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics at TSU on April 23-26, 2013.






The presentation of the book entitled “Grammaire juhuri, ou judéo-tat, langue iranienne des Juifs du Caucase de l'est” by Gilles Authier (Head of Caucasian Department, IFEA University) will be held at Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics at TSU at 14:00, April 25th, 2013.





INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS - IJOAL (2014) announces call for papers.




In Batumi II international symposium of Lexicography was held on May 18-20, 2012. The organizers were Shota Rustaveli State University, Lexicographic Centre of Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics.



On May 16, 2012 the research workers of the linguistic institute met the Azerbaijan and the Armenian students of the preparing group of TSU Faculty of Humanities. The researchers talked about the scientific works of the institute, the functioning of the state language, compiling dictionaries and other important issues. The students saw the publications of the institute and asked some questions.



JPPL Shota Rustaveli National Foundation announces the call in scientific grants. see



The first American International Morphology Meeting (AIMM)



10.02.2012 – The workshop “E-learning Capacity Development in the South Caucasus 2012 – 2013” was held at Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics. It was conducted by Giunter Podlacha, the head of the program”E-Learning Capacity Development in the South” and Elke Vemhop, the regional manager.



The presentation of the finished project “Svan Language Grammar” (A-07-09) was held at Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics at 2 p.m., February 9, 2012. The project has been financed by Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Fund.




Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Fund has financed Pikria Apkhaidze (The Program: “Research Training Abroad for Young Reserchers”), a research worker to train at School of Eastern and African Researches of London University.



A scientific conference Verb Morphology (Grant #А-06-09) will be held at Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics (Room № 304) at12:00 noon, December 23, 2011.

გარდაუვალი წესია: ერთი თაობა მიდის, მეორე - მოდის... ხალხი კი უკვდავია. უკვდავია მისი ენაც, თუკი მას ხალხმა ზურგი არ შეაქცია; ენა თაობიდან თაობას გადაეცემა და მისი წყალობით ეს თაობები ერთ ხალხად ითქმის: ხალხის მეობას მისი ენა გვანიშნებს.
  ენის საშუალებით გადაეცემა შემდგომ თაობას, რაც წინა თაობას ცოდნა-გამოცდილება დაუგროვებია. ეს რომ არა, კულტურის განვითარება შეუძლებელი იქნებოდა.
  ბუნებრივია, რომ ყოველ ადამიანს უყვარს თავისი ენა, უყვარს დედა-ენა.
  ასევე ბუნებრივია სხვის ენას პატივისცემით ვეკიდებოდეთ: “სხვისი ენა” აკი ვიღაცისთვის დედა-ენაა.
რა თქმა უნდა, ვისაც თავისი ენა არ უყვარს, სხვისი ენის პატივისცემას ვერ დაიჩემებს, მისთვის ყველა ენა ერთია:
კოსმოპოლიტია და არა - ინტერნაციონალისტი.
  ქართულ ენაზე მდიდარი მწერლობა მოგვეპოვება. ეს მწერლობა ჩვენი კულტურის დიდი ძალაა, თუკი მკითხველი და, პირველ რიგში, ახალგაზრდობა მას სათანადოდ მოეკიდება.

The new edition of the 1st and the 2nd volumes of the eight-volume Explanatory Dictionary of Georgian Language has been prepared and published by the Lexicology Department of Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics.
The chief editor of the new edition is Prof. Avtandil Arabuli, the member of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences. It has been published with the support of the President’s Fund.
The dictionary has been thoroughly renewed:

The first volume of the EDGL (Explanatory Dictionary of Georgian Language), published in 1950, comprised 700 pages, whereas the new one consists of 1 130 pages. The second volume comprised 768 pages, whereas the new one consists of 1680 pages. In the first edition A and B letters comprised 11 237 dictionary entries and in the new edition there are 15 886 ones. In the second volume there were 13 696 dictionary entries and in the new edition there are more than 22 000 ones. In the new edition the number of set phrases has been increased about fourfold.  The dictionary has been filled with the newest terminology and explanations. (including ideological ones). In the new edition the changes of word meaning have been thoroughly represented. The dictionary entries have been filled and enriched with alive illustrating materials.

The 1st volume of the new edition costs 50 Gel.
The 2nd volume of the new edition costs 60 Gel.
Contact us at the following address:
8, Ingorokva st., room 306.
Phone numbers: 93 29 21; 99 99 41.