It is an immutable law: one generation passes, another comes... But people are immortal. Their language is immortal as well if they do not abandon it; Language is passed from one generation to the next and thanks to this these generations are said to be one: people’s identity is denoted by their language.

Knowledge and experience accumulated by past generation is passed to the next through their language. Without this development of culture would have been impossible.
It is natural that every human being loves his native language, his mother tongue.
It is natural to pay respect to another's language: as another's language is somebody’s mother-tongue.

It goes without saying that he who does not love his native language cannot boast that he respects another’s language. All languages are the same to him: he is cosmopolite and not an internationalist.

We have rich literature in the Georgian language, which is a great power of our culture if the reader and, first of all, the youth treats it properly