Kartvelian languages department was founded in 1936, 23rd January under the name of ‘Language sector’ (the name of the department in 1937-1941). The department had to compile Georgian-Megrelian-Chan-Svan dictionary. Akaki Shanidze had to direct it.
From 1941 till 1961 Varlam Topuria headed the department. In 1961-1965 Iv. Gigineishvili headed the department.
The department was headed by:
1966-1975 - Vladimer Panchvidze.
1976-1982 - Ivane Kavtaradze.
1982 – 1986 – Besarion Jorbenadze.
1986-2002 - Tedo Uturgaidze.
2002-2006- Murman Sukhishvili.

In 2006, September Merab Chukhua was elected as head of the department.
In different times the following collaborators worked at the department: T.Andguladze, I.Gigineishvili, A.Davitiani, G.Targamadze, A.Oniani, Sh.Dzidziguri, A.Martirosovi, K.Danelia, T.Zuarabishvili, L. Nadareishvili, N. Natadze, I. Kerkadze, N. Chartoliani, B. Tskhadadze, G. Gogolashvili, Gr. Imnaishvili, L. Kvantaliani, K. Kakitadze, Ts. Kvantaliani, A. Kiziria, N.Rostiashvili, D. Chkhubianishvili, M. Dzidzishvili, G. Bedoshvili, K. Dzocenidze, K. Gagua, L. Babluani, E. Gazdeliani, R. Ioseliani, M.Saghliani, M. Gujejiani, M. Kaldani, I.Chantladze, R.Chkadua, T.Burchuladze, L.Giglemiani, N.Chumburidze, Sh. Gabeskiria, M.Robakidze, P.Tskhadaia, Ts. Janjgava, R.Sherozia, N.Gulua, M.Beridze, R. Landia, L Bakuradze, L.Ezugbaia, M.Manjgaladze, N.Loladze, K.Gabunia,Ch.Kiria, L.Gogokhia, G.Tsotsanidze, D.Shengelia, S.Todua...
“Georgian orthographic Dictionary” (V.Topuria, I.Gigineishvili, 1941, 1947, 1949, 1968), “Georgian-Russian Dictionary” (G.Akhvlediani, V.Topuria, 1942), “Russian-Georgian School Dictionary” (V.Topuria, S.Qaukhchishvili, 1958) were compiled.

Monographic research about V.Topuria has been written (A.Kiziria, M.Kaldani, 1968). I and III volumes of V.Topurias’s works (1967, 1979) were published. Vocabulary working, viz. on Svan documentary dictionary and dialectal dictionary of Georgian was carried out.

The followings were published: ”Gurian, Upper Immeretian and Lechkhumian dictionaries”, editor V.Beridze (G.Sharashidze, B.Tsereteli, M.Alavidze, 1938), “Kiziqian dictionary”, editor V.Topuria (S.Menteshashvili, 1943),” Ingilo Dictionary “ , (N.Rostiashvili, 1978), “Tushian Dictionary” , (G.Tsotsanidze, 2002), “ Bibliography of Georgian Dialectology “, (G.Imnaishvili, 1969), ” Mokhevian Dialect of Georgian”, (I.Kavtaradze, 1985), ‘Pshavian Dialect’ (G.Tsotsanidze, 1978), ‘Georgian Dialectology” v. I (1989), v.II (1999), (B.Jorbenadze), ‘Dialects of the Kartvelian Languages’ (B.Jorbenadze, 1995).

Researching of old Georgian structure was the subject of the department. ‘Parchment’s Stecheraion’ (editor A. Shanidze) is also published (1977). Researching of the text and the language of ‘Knight in the Panther’s Skin’ was carried out.
In 1950-1955 the department took part in preparing the III and IV volumes of GED for editing.
Since 1961 the department began to work on multi-volume ‘Systematic Course of Georgian” under Arnold Chikobava’s leadership. The work is being carried out at present under Tedo Uturgaidze’s leadership. The ‘Course’ takes into consideration ‘Georgian Dialectology ‘. The work is being carried out for compiling atlas of Georgian dialectology under T.Uturgaidze’s leadership.
In parallel with this point intensive work is being carried out at the department to research Svan-Zan languages and their dialects. The groups were formed, which research phonetic systems, grammatical structure and vocabulary according to dialects of these languages. The followings were published: R.Sherozia’s work (co-author O.Memishish) ‘Folk Wisdom: Megrelian and Laz Proverbs’ 1994, ‘Svan Prosaic Texts’ I.’ Upper Bal Subdialect’, ‘Svan Poetry’. I, A.Shanidze, V.Topuria, 1939, ‘Svan Prosaic Texts’, II. ‘Lower Bal Subdialect’ A.Davitiani, V.Topuria, M.Kaldani, 1957, ‘ Svan Prosaic Texts.’ III. ‘Lentekh Subdialect’, V.Topuria, M.Kaldani, 1967. Svan dictionary is also published.
Collaborators of the department systematically published their articles in republic and international organs (see collection “History of Linguistic study’’, St.Petersburg, 1991, ‘’Kaukasische Sprachproplems’, Olderburg, 2003, “Georgica”, 28, 2005). They took part in scientific sessions, conferences and symposiums held by the Arn.Chikobava Institute of Linguistics and Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Republic dialectologic scientific session is held annually under the department’s leadership.
The problem of the Georgian-Kartvelian verb was a significant subject of research at the department. Definition of static and dynamic, transitive and intransitive verbs, voice, verse and other categories was of definite interest. Research-workers of the department carried out fruitful research of a Kartvelian word combination (sintagma), simple sentence, hypotaxis, parataxis, ergative construction and other problematic questions of syntax (historical, modern), in general. Questions of syntax of Georgian spoken language is considered in the papers and monograph (1990) of prof. L. Kvantaliani.
Many noteworthy monographs and articles were dedicated to researching the comparative vocabulary of the Kartvelian languages (L.Nadareishvili, M.Sukhishvili, I.Kerkadze, I.Chantladze, E.Gazdeliani, M.Chukhua...). ‘Georgian-Svan Comparative Dictionary’ is actually ready for publication (compiling group: I.Chantladze, E.Gazdeliani, R.Chkadua, M.Sagliani, R.Ioseliani).

In 2006 the laboratory was united with the department of the Kartvelian languages.
The followings were prepared at the department of the Kartvelian languages: ‘Dictionary of Verbal Stems of Georgian’ (G.Gogolashvili, Ts.Kvantaliani, D.Shengelia, 1989), ‘Dictionary of Deverbative stems of Georgian’(G.Gogolashvili, Ts.Kvantaliani, D.Shengelia, 1991). ‘Dictionary of the Laz Dialect of Zan (materials)’ is being prepared for publication.
The members of the department took active part in preparing for publication the seven books of materials on the Georgian industry and in compiling indexes (Ts.Kvantaliani, D.Shengelia). The materials of industry for comparative dictionary of encyclopedic type were prepared.

Many works were dedicated to the problemic questions of a writer’s language (B.Jorbenadze “Foundation Stone of Writing’, 1987, B.Jorbenadze ‘Language of poetry’ 1999), G.Gogolashvili ‘s letters: ‘Giorgi Leonidze’s Georgian’, ‘Akaki Tsereteli’, ‘Galaktion Tabidze’, ‘Akaki and Vazha’... . Problematic questions of a language and culture are the researching objects of the department (B.Jorbenadze ‘Language and culture’, 1997).
With a view to studying Georgian onomastic research the laboratory of problematic researching of the Georgian onomastics (scientific leader - a principal research-worker G.Bedoshvili) was founded at the department of the Kartvelian languages of the Arn.Chikobava Institute of Linguistics in 1993.

In 2001 a scientific leader of the laboratory G. Bedoshvili published 'Explanatory-etymological dictionary of Georgian toponyms” (1st volume).
In 2003 the laboratory celebrated 10th anniversary of the scientific research work (scientific conference was held, the agenda was printed).
In 2006 the laboratory was united with the department of the Kartvelian languages.
Research of Georgian, Svan and Megrelian-Laz remains to be the main direction of the Kartvelian languages department. Even more, attention will be paid to phonological and morphological systems of Svan and Megrelian-Laz languages, questions of syntax and semantics.

In 2009 Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor Merab Chukhua was elected as head of the lexicology department.
In 2009, October, the following scientific
workers filled the scientific posts:

Chief scientific workers:
Tedo Uturgaidze
Merab Chukhua
Murman Sukhishvili
Tamar Makharoblidze

Senior scientific workers:
Chabuki Kiria
Merab robakidze
Shalva Gabeskiria
Konstantine kakitadze
Mariam Manjgaladze
Medea Saghliani
Roena Chkadua

Tsira Janjgava
Manana Bukia
Elizaveta Gazdeliani
Marinr Jgharkava
Irine Kerkadze
Tea Burchuladze
Nato Shavreshiani
Lela Giglemiani