New Editions

Title – On the Basic Characteristics of Levels of the Georgian Language and the Results of their Interaction in the Global System
Author – Tedo Uturgaidze
Publisher – Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics
Editor – Lali Ezugbaia
Pages – 244
Size – 19/14
ISBN – 978-9941-10-194-6
Date of publication – 2009
Place of publication - Tbilisi
Publishing house – Meridiani
Readership –Linguists
Language of publication – Georgian
Language of Summary – English
Type of publication – Monograph
Key words – Phonology, morphology, morphonology, morphosyntax, vocalism, consonantism, marking.

Annotation – The present work deals with phonematic, morphonologic and syntactical systems and the regularity of their interaction in the global system.

In the analysis of linguistic phenomena it is essential to identify regularity of abstract systems and define their correspondence with each other in a literary language and dialects. It is necessary to define the reason for the difference between them. Only after that it will be possible to analyse the data of a functioning language from morphonologic and morphosyntactic view-points. This approach has conditioned the structure and research methods of separate parts of the book.

The present monograph consists of five parts: phonology, morphology, morphonology, syntax and morphosyntax. The author made an attempt to analyse specific and general questions of each part on the basis of existing and newly-identified phenomena through the above mentioned methodological approach.

Title –Deverbal Nouns in the Dido Languages
Author – Nodar Ardoteli
Publisher – Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics
Editor – Vazha Shengelia
Pages – 223
Size – 20/15
ISBN – 978-9941-12-860-8
Date of publication – 2009
Place of publication - Tbilisi
Publishing house – Universal
Readership –Linguists, students
Language of publication – Georgian
Language of Summary – Russian
Type of publication – Monograph
Key words – Masdar, participle, deverbative noun, declension (declining), functioning, diachrony.

Annotation – The monograph deals with descriptive and comparative-historical analysis of Dido deverbatives – masdar and participle. While studying the question from diachronic point of view the author presents data of both Dido and related languages. The work considers the questions of formation, declension and functioning of a masdar and participle and describes their systematization.
Each chapter is followed by corresponding paradigms. Besides, a range of new deverbative forms are identified and the author attempted to give their qualification.

Title –Works IV (Comparative Dictionary of Chan-Megrelian-Georgian Languages)
Author – Arnold Chikobava
Publishers - Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics, Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University
Editor – Vazha Shengelia
Pages - 488
ISBN – 978-9941-10-117-5
Date of publication – 2008
Place of publication - Tbilisi
Publishing house – Meridiani
Readership – Linguists, students
Language of publication – Georgian
Language of Summary –
Type of publication – Dictionary
Key words - Vocabulary, phonetics, morphology, syntax, root, stem, semasiology.

Annotation - Comparative Dictionary of Chan-Megrelian-Georgian Languages analyses Chan vocabulary in connection with other Kartvelian languages. Along with Megrelian-Laz, Svan data are presented as well (up to 100 lexical units).

In the Comparative Dictionary Nominals are classified in semasiological groups according to their roots, verbs are grouped in alphabetic order, in accordance with their stems. The object of analysis are cases when comparable words are represented in the three linguistic entities (Chan, Megrelian, Georgian) as well as those when comparable material is found in two languages (Chan and Megrelian or Chan and Georgian) only. In whole up to 300 Chan words are analyzed.

Title – The Names of Animals as the Characteristics of Human Being in Georgian
Author – Gvatsa Gvantseladze
Publisher – Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics
Editor – Gucha Kvaratskhelia
Pages – 102
Size – 14/19
ISBN – 978-9941-12-810-6
Date of publication – 2009
Place of publication - Tbilisi
Publishing house – Universal
Readership –Linguists, ethnologists, folklorists, students
Language of publication – Georgian
Language of Summary – English
Type of publication – Monograph
Key words – Semantics, vocabulary, pragmatics, anthroponym

Annotation – The present work is the second part of the study “Names of Animals Characterizing Human Beings in Georgian” (Part One published in 2005). The work analyses the question of using names of animals to characterize human beings in folklore poetry, proverbs and in modern Georgian. Besides, the monograph considers the question of using names of animals as proper names of human beings (anthroponyms) on the basis of data of Georgian legal documents of 11th-17th centuries.

Title – Human Being and Animals
Pragmatic Dictionary of Vocabulary Related to Animals
Author – Gvatsa Gvantseladze
Publisher – Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics
Editor – Gucha Kvaratskhelia
Pages – 250
Size – 14/19
ISBN – 978-9941-12-820-2
Date of publication – 2009
Place of publication - Tbilisi
Publishing house – Universal
Readership –Linguists, pedagogues, ethnologists
Language of publication – Georgian
Language of Summary –
Type of publication – Dictionary
Key words – Dictionary, vocabulary, word, metaphor, anthroponym

Annotation – The present edition illustrates material of metaphorically used vocabulary related to animals on the basis of Georgian literature and colloquial speech, which demonstrates the meanings they acquire when they are used to characterize human beings.

The dictionary contains names of animals of modern Georgian literary language. Along with literary meanings each word is followed with its secondary ones, which are used in the role of emotive-expressive characteristic of a human-being.

Title - The Ingilo Dialect of Georgian
Author - Vasil Abashvili (Kuzibabashvili)
Publisher – Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics
Editor - Konstantine Kakitadze
Compilers - Marine Beridze, Maya Barikhashvili
Pages - 387
Size - 14 cm, X 20 cm.
ISBN - 978-9941-10-110-6
Date of publication - 2009
Place of publication - Tbilisi
Publishing house - Meridiani
Readership - linguists, students
Language of publication - Georgian
Language of Summary -
Type of publication -Monograph, texts
Key words - Ingilo dialect, phonetics, morphology, vocabulary, syntax

Annotation: The present book is composed of two parts: 1. The Ingilo Dialect of Georgian which is compiled according to the candidate's dissertation of the author and represents the morphonologic analysis of the Ingilo dialect; 2.Kakian and Aliabatian Texts prepared on the basis of the tapes recorded by the author.
The book has an index of analyzed forms.

Title – Comparative-Historical Phonetics of Avar-Andi-Dido Languages
Author - Nodar Ardoteli
Publisher – Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics
Pages – 294
Size – 17 cm, X 27 cm.
ISBN – 978-9941-1249
Date of publication – 2009
Place of publication - Tbilisi
Publishing house – Universal
Readership – Students, linguists
Language of publication – Georgian
Language of Summary – English, Georgian
Type of publication – Monograph
Key words – Phonetics, phoneme, vocalism, consonantism, phonology, sound correspondence, sound similarity, lateral, affricate, spirant, approximant, spirantization.

Annotation – The present monograph considers principal questions of historical-comparative phonetics of Avar-Andi-Dido languages, and diachronic analysis and relative chronology of vowel and consonant phonological systems are given. Local types of primary phonemes are traced down and their root reflexes are searched for. On the basis of additional language data, genesis of some specific phonological correlations (pharingealized, labialized, palatalized) is proved. Also, a number of questions concerning spontaneous phonetic processes and relative chronology are determined in a new way. A separate chapter is devoted to the canonical models of a phonematic structure of nominal and verbal root-stems (and full forms).

The author tried to specify linguistic criterion of phoneme correspondence methodology of some pioneers and distinguishing of languages and dialects.

Title – Orthographic-Stylistic Dictionary of a Journalist
Editor-in-chief – Tamar Vashakidze
Compilers: Shukia Afridonidze, Tamar Vashakidze, Vakhtang Magjradze, Tea Teteloshvili, Tina Ghvinadze, Nino Jorbenadze.
Publishers: Georgian Academy of Sciences, Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics, Georgian Speech Culture Department.
Pages - 268
ISBN – 978-9941-12-426-6
Date of publication – 2009
Place of publication - Tbilisi
Publishing house – Universal
Readership – Students, linguists, journalists
Language of publication – Georgian
Language of Summary –
Type of publication – Dictionary
Key words –vocabulary, terminology, stylistics, orthography, paronyms

Annotation – The dictionary is compiled considering typical linguistic-stylistic (pure orthographic-grammatical, syntactic, stylistic) errors. In case of need heading word is accompanied with a short comment with recommendation. With other entries “see” is given. Special attention is paid to paronyms with their definitions.

Title – Laz Fairy Tales and Legends
Author - Georges Dumezil
Publisher - Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics
Editor – Merab Chukhua
Compiler-Manana Bukia
Pages - 457
Size – 15 cm. X23 cm
ISBN – 978-9941-10-098-7
Date of publication – 2009
Place of publication - Tbilisi
Publishing house – Meridiani
Readership – Students, linguists, teachers
Language of publication – Georgian, French
Language of Summary –
Type of publication – Texts, dictionary
Key words –Kartvelology, text, dictionary, Laz, phonetics, morphology, vocabulary

Annotation-The collection represents Laz texts (with Georgian equivalents: “Laz Fairy Tales and Legends”, “Artashenian Laz Texts”, “Analysis of a Verbal Form of a Laz Text”) published by Georges Dumezil in different times. The texts are accompanied with grammatical review. Georges Dumezil analyses the nature of the language of recorded material(mainly phonetic processes), questions of morphology (especially verbal forms), spreading area of the Turkish language manifested not only in the vocabulary, but in morphology and syntax as well.

The collection presents Laz-Georgian dictionary comprising up to 2000 words.

Title – Works, Volume III.
Author – Arnold Chikobava
Publishers: Georgian Academy of Sciences, Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics, Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University
Editor – Vaja Shengelia
Pages - 605
ISBN – 978-9941-10-069-7
Date of publication – 2008
Place of publication - Tbilisi
Publishing house – Georgian language
Readership – Students, linguists,
Language of publication – Georgian
Language of Summary – Russian
Type of publication – Monograph
Key words –Chan, grammar, analysis, subdialects, texts, future
Annotation-The volume represents materials printed in the 20-30ies of the past century, which are now bibliographical rarity. The main part of the book is devoted to the “Analysis of a Chan Grammar” revealing basic peculiarities of Laz dialect and defining its place among Kartvelian languages and dialects, comparative analysis of Megrelian-Laz and Georgian (partially Svan) is given. Besides, Arn. Chikobava’s two synchronic studies of megrelian-Laz, also his four letters showing I. Kipshidze contribution, are given in the present volume. More than 300 pages of laz texts (concerning the three dialects) obtained by the author in 1928-29 are printed in the book.

Title – Introduction to Linguistics
Author – Arnold Chikobava
Publishers: Georgian Academy of Sciences, Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics,
Editor – Gucha Kvaratskhelia
Pages - 338
ISBN – 978-9941-13-050-2
Date of publication – 2008
Place of publication - Tbilisi
Publishing house – Universal
Readership – Students, linguists,
Language of publication – Georgian
Language of Summary-
Type of publication–Text-book
Key words – essence of a language, phonetics, morphology, syntax, lexicology, language classification

Annotation-The present book is a course of an introduction to theoretical linguistics. It considers basic linguistic concepts and problematic questions of general linguistics concerning the essence of a language, its origin and development, branches and proper methods of linguistics, morphological and genealogical classification of world languages. The book comprises “propaedeutic section” of general linguistics edited in 1935, 1939 and 1946.

Title – Explanatory Dictionary of the Georgian Language
Author –
Publishers: Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics,
Editor – Avtandil Arabuli
Pages - 1130
Size-18,7 cm.X 27 cm
ISBN – 978-9941-10-084-0
Date of publication – 2008
Place of publication - Tbilisi
Publishing house – Meridiani
Readership – Students, linguists, interested society
Language of publication – Georgian
Language of Summary –
Type of publication - Dictionary

Key words –vocabulary, lexicography, dictionary

Annotation – Volume I of Explanatory Dictionary of the Georgian Language was published in 1950. The eight volumes of the dictionary were prepared under the editorship of Arn. Chikobava, with the help of the main editorial office of that time and qualified editorial staff. More than half a century has passed since than and changes occurring in the language made it necessary to create a renewed edition of the dictionary. A lot of material was processed. The number of sources increased five times and more. Up to 5000 dictionary entries have undergone changes. Besides, contents and composition of the entries were changed. The dictionary mirrors (from special spheres as well) the present-day situation of the state language.

Title – The Georgian Language
Author –
Publisher - Georgian National Academy of Sciences
Editor – Gucha Kvaratskhelia
Pages - 620
Size-26 cm.X 21 cm
ISBN – 978-99928-20-34
Date of publication – 2008
Place of publication - Tbilisi
Publishing house – National Literature
Readership – Students, linguists, interested society
Language of publication – Georgian
Language of Summary –
Type of publication – Encyclopedia
Key words –Language, Kartvelology, Caucasiology, grammar, dialect, writing, term, linguistics

Annotation – Scientific specialized encyclopedia “Georgian Language” mirrors the development of Georgian linguistic thinking and achievements of Georgian and foreign Kartvelologists in this field. Encyclopedia provides complete material on phonetic-phonological, grammatical, lexical-semantic structure and Georgian dialects, represents information on Caucasian and other languages which had cultural or other contacts with Georgian, describes scientific-research institutes and educational centres, departments of the Georgian language, Georgian and foreign linguists working in Caucasiology. It provides information on educational centres and significant literary texts. The present encyclopedia mirrors both epigraphic texts and manuscripts survived to the present day in Georgia and outside Georgia.
Selected material is specifically arranged. Ideological concepts are assigned to separate entries, while specific concepts are discussed in the context of broader problematics and their definition is given in a summarizing entry.

Title – School Explanatory Dictionary of the Georgian Language
Author – Tamar Berozashvili
Publishers: Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Arn, Chikobava Institute of Linguistics
Editor – Avtandil Arabuli
Pages - 230
Size-16,8cm.X 24 cm
ISBN – 978-9941-11-045-0
Date of publication – 2008
Place of publication - Tbilisi
Publishing house – Diogene
Readership – Pupils
Language of publication – Georgian
Language of Summary –
Type of publication – Dictionary
Key words –Vocabulary, dialect, terms, synonyms, idiomatic expressions

Annotation – The present school dictionary is compiled according to the principles of the ”Explanatory Dictionary of the Georgian Language”. It explains vocabulary of the literature of school programme, old Georgian words, archaisms, foreign words. The dictionary deals with dialectic vocabulary, terms and names, a large number of synonyms. Idiomatic expressions are separated as individual lexical units. Explanations are accompanied with illustrations from the texts of text-books.

Title – Comparative Grammar of Ibero-Ichkerian Languages
Author – Merab Chukhua
Publishers: Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University, Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Arn, Chikobava Institute of Linguistics
Editor – Ketevan Lomtatidze
Pages - 761
Size-20cm.X 28 cm
ISBN – 978-9941-13-021-2
Date of publication – 2008
Place of publication - Tbilisi
Publishing house – Universal
Readership – Students, linguists
Language of publication – Georgian
Language of Summary –English
Type of publication – Monograph, text-book, dictionary
Key words – Kartvelian, Nakhian, dictionary, etymology, reconstruction, grammar, comparative, Ibero-Caucasian

Annotation – The present book consists of two sections: monograph – Comparative Grammar of Ibero-Caucasian Languages, and Kartvelian-Nakhian Etymological Dictionary.

The monograph is devoted to historical-comparative analysis of Nakhian and Kartvelian languages considering comparison of phonological systems and reconstruction of stem-root (of common basic vocabulary) structural models. Common Kartvelian and common Nakhian languages are considered to be related languages on the basis of determining regular phonemic correspondences of stem and affix morphemes. The monograph is followed by a synoptic sheet of formulas of Kartvelian-Nakh consonant correspondences and consonant system of the proto language.

The book has an index of reconstructed stem-roots.

Title – Chechen Verb
Author – Rostom Fareulidze
Publishers: Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Arn, Chikobava Institute of Linguistics, Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Caucasiology
Editor – Vaja Shengelia
Pages - 300
Size-14,7cm.X 20 cm
ISBN – 978-9941-12-141-8
Date of publication – 2008
Place of publication - Tbilisi
Publishing house – Universal
Readership – Students, linguists
Language of publication – Georgian
Language of Summary –Russian
Type of publication – Monograph
Key words – Infinitive, masdar, phonematic structure, conjugation, tense system, verbal categories.

Annotation – The present monograph considers phonematic structure and morphological categories of a Chechen verb, verbal names. Irregular verbs are analyzed separately, initial forms are traced down.

Title – Problems of Georgian Lexicology
Author – Lamara Nozadze
Publishers: Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Arn, Chikobava Institute of Linguistics Editor – Zurab Chumburidze, Giorgi Tsotsanidze
Pages - 86
Size-19cm.X 14 cm
ISBN – 978-9941-12-406-8
Date of publication – 2008
Place of publication - Tbilisi
Publishing house – Universal
Readership – Linguists
Language of publication – Georgian
Language of Summary –
Type of publication – Collection
Key words – Linguistics, lexicology, vocabulary, masdar, dialect.

Annotation – The collection presents papers concerning problems of Georgian lexicology published by the author in different linguistic magazines (“Questions of Linguistics, Linguistic papers”) in different times.

Title – Questions of Historical Morphology of Kartvelian Languages
Author – Lamara Nozadze
Publishers: Georgian National Academy of Sciences, Arn, Chikobava Institute of Linguistics Editor – Giorgi Gogolashvili, Lali Ezugbaia
Pages - 374
Size-19cm.X 14 cm
ISBN – 978-9941-12-416-7
Date of publication – 2008
Place of publication - Tbilisi
Publishing house – Universal
Readership – Linguists
Language of publication – Georgian
Language of Summary –
Type of publication – Collection
Key words –Morphology, verb, voice, declension, consonant correspondence, composite

Annotation – The collection provides papers concerning questions of historical morphology of Kartvelian Languages published by the author in different linguistic magazines (“Ibero-Caucasian Linguistics”, “Questions of Structure of Kartvelian Languages”, “Linguistic papers” etc.) in different times.