Institute of Caucasology
Faculty of Humanities
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics

Call for Papers

2nd International Congress of Caucasologists

9-12 November, 2010

Institute of Caucasology of the Faculty of Humanities at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and Arnold Chikibova Institute of Linguistics (Tbilisi, Georgia) are convening the 2nd International Congress of Caucasologists on the subject “Caucasian Civilization (History and Contemporaneity).”
Those wishing to participate in the Congress are encouraged to submit their abstracts. Papers addressing the following issues are welcome: Ibero-Caucasian, Areal and Palaeo-Caucasian linguistics, history of the Caucasian peoples, cultural, social and political anthropology.
Working languages of the Congress: Georgian, Russian, and English. Abstracts should be submitted in two of these languages. Abstracts in both languages should not exceed two printed pages. Abstracts should be sent by e-mail in MSWord formant; for special characters, please, use Unicode.
Please, write the following in the the message field: an author’s (or authors’) name(s), affiliation, title of a submission, e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers.

Presentation format: paper presemtation -- 20 minutes, discussion -- 10 minutes.

Participation fee – €60 (for the participants from post-soviet countries – €40).
Abstract submission deadline: 28 May, 2010.
Organizing committee’s decision on accepting Your abstract will be provided on 25. VI 2010.
Should you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us:

Chair of the Congress: Prof. Dr. Tsira Baramidze



Ilia Chavchavadze Ave. 1, Tbilisi 128, Georgia.

Telephone: + 995 32 223161; +995 99584709
                                          +995 97510 619