Programme “Open Science”

Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics at TSU is distinguished with rich scientific traditions and achievements. Its national importance, as the main center for the research of the structure and functioning of the state language of Georgia – the Georgian language and its related languages is universally recognized.

The main direction of the Institute is the study of the Georgian language both normatively and historically. It should be noted that Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics is the base institution of the State Language Department.

At the Institute, other Kartvelian languages and dialects are scientifically studied: Megrelian-Chan/Laz and Svan.

The cardinal issues of phonetics, morphology, syntax, vocabulary and dialectology of mountain Ibero-Caucasian (Abkhazian-Adyge, Nakh, Daghestanian) languages are also studied synchronically and diachronically.

At the Institute, the research of the contacts of the mentioned languages with the languages of other group is carried out from the typological point of view.

The Institute of Linguistics is the only scientific institution where more than 30 languages of the Ibero-Caucasian (Paleo-Caucasian) family are studied. 15 out of 30 languages have their own script.

Research findings are published as monographs, as well as in scientific periodicals, and proceedings of sessions, conferences, congresses and symposiums.

See Annex 1.

See Annex 3.

See Annex 4.