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International Conference “Language and Modern Technologies V: Issues of Historical and Etymological Lexicography”     Organizers: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics State Language Department of Georgia   Location: Tbilisi, Georgia Dates: 15-17 December, 2019 Directions: Kartvelian languages, computational linguistics, corpus linguistics, historical lexicography, computational lexicography, corpus lexicography, digital humanities Working languages: Georgian, English […]


In accordance with Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation resolution of July 6 2018 the conference grant project “V International Symposium of Linguist-Caucasiologists” that will be held on November 22-24 2018 is a winner


ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE HAS BEEN POSTPONED We would like to inform you that the deadline for abstract submissionfor  the 1st international scientific conference   – Heritage and Modernityhas been postponed to 30June 2018.  See the attachment.


22-24 ноября 2018 года в Тбилиси состоится V Международный симпозиум лингвистов-кавказоведов, посвященный 120-летию со дня рождения акад. А. С. Чикобава (см. ссылку).


It is with deep sadness that Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics at TSU announces the passing of a prominent Georgian researcher, senior researcher of the Institute of Linguistics, Doctor of Philology, member of Gelati Academy of Sciences, professor Tedo (Teodore) Uturgaidze.


The conference “Scientific Terminology – V” will be held at Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics at TSU on November 14-16, 2017. The areas of interest for the conference include the topics from the rich history of Georgian terminology, the challenges faced by this field and the projects implemented in this scientific direction. Abstracts (no more […]


At the meeting of the Scientific Council of Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics at TSU, that was held on the 1st of August 2017, based on the results of the secret ballot Doctor of Sciences, Prof. Nana Machavariani was elected for the position of the director of the Institute. On the basis of the secret […]