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The scientific session “Arnold Chikobava’s Readings – XXVIII” will be held at the beginning of April, 2017. The printed and electronic versions of abstracts should be submitted to Vazha Shengelia or Tea Burchuladze (; until March 10. Abstract details: up to 2 pages, font style – sylfaen, font size – 11. 


It is with deep sadness that Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics announces the passing of a prominent researcher and an amazing person  Rusudan Janashia and extends the deepest sympathies to the deceased’s family and friends.


Arnold Chikobava Institute of Linguistics has published a book entitled as “Times of Adversity of Our Alma Mater (2004-2013)”. Author: Giorgi Gogolashvili. Editor: Avtandil Arabuli. The book is available at TSU bookstore (Building I).


In December, 2016 Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics will hold LXXV Scientific Session that will be dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Institute. The submission deadline for the printed and electronic versions of abstracts is November 15. Abstracts should be sent to the following email addresses:, Details: Number of Pages – 2, […]


On September 17, at 2 pm the presentation of the electronic dictionaries of the Institute of Linguistics and the latest edition of Spelling Dictionary for Media will be held within the Festival of Science and Innovations of Tbilisi at the Central Exhibition Centre Expo Georgia, the third pavilion, a lecture hall B.