Cal Papers

V International Symposium of LinguistCaucasiologists

November 2214, 2018


Dear Colleagues,

We would like to inform you that V International Symposium of Linguist- Caucasiologists which is dedicated to Acad. Arn. Chikobava’s 120th birth anniversary will be held in November 22-24, 2018. The symposium will focus on the problems of parts of speech in Ibero-Caucasian languages.


  1. Basics of Dividing Parts of Speech;
  2. Nominal Parts of Speech in Ibero-Caucasian Languages;
  3. Verb as a Part of Speech in Ibero-Caucasian Languages;
  4. Basic and Auxiliary Parts of Speech in Ibero-Caucasian Languages;
  5. Ibero-Caucasian Languages and Digital Technologies – Issues of Morphosyntactic Annotation.

Abstracts (up to 2 pages) should be submitted to the organizing committee at Arn. Chikobava Institute of Linguistics at TSU (8 Ingorokva St., Tbilisi, 0108) or to the following e-mail addresses:, until July 10. Abstracts (size – A4, font style – Sylfaen, font size – 12, line spacing – 1.5) should be accompanied by the personal information of the participant (See the form below).

Official Languages of the Symposium: Georgian, English, Russian.

Additional Information will be provided after the submission of abstracts.


Organizing Committee



First Name


Last Name






Academic Degree





